Monday, September 26, 2011

THIS JUST IN: I'm Actually Not That Smart

Community College was too easy for me. I never studied, never went to class, and never bought my textbooks, but I still got a 3.88 cumulative GPA. I was at the top 4% of the entire college! The only reason why I didn't get a 4.0 was because I skipped classes and sometimes missed my exams. I even joined the honors program and even then the classes were still a joke. Inevitably, I lost all my studying skills. I became less disciplined and more lazy. I can honestly say that community college didn't prepare me at all for UCLA. In fact, I feel that high school was more challenging than community college. I was lulled into a false sense of security. I thought I was a genius and that studying was for noobs.  Now, I'm fucked. Today, I decided to be a good student, and I opened up my Microeconomic Theory book to get a head start for the week. I'm on the second chapter, and I'm already starting to feel overwhelmed. I understand most of the the concepts and theories so far, however, I'm already having trouble on some stuff, and it's only the second chapter! Envelope theory? Young theorem? What the fuck does this shit mean? I guess I underestimated UCLA. Any transfers out there have any advice for me on how to stay on top this quarter? I don't want to fuck up.


  1. I swear Community Colleges these days are just money laundering stations... Phoenix and ITT tech are even worse.

  2. Just study for 15 minutes a day, on tough subjects each. I'm a Junior in High School and it makes me feel a lot better, I only need to study for Chemistry & U.S. History really. Come visit my blog sometime!

  3. My life is pretty much the same dude. I got to take microeconomics this semester too, good idea to dig into the textbook now.

  4. im scared to go to college or uni xD +followed, come check my blog out when you get the chance!

  5. I'm a genius so i really couldnt advise you in this situation. :)

  6. I know that feeling, its like when I changed my major from psychology to neuroscience. :O

  7. I also did the same. I kind of cruised through community college, and now i attending CSUSM. I am in upper division core classes and im having a pretty hard time. I am only taking three classes this semester because I figured getting good grades and actually learning was better then only getting B's and not grasping the imformation. Also If you havent read by the third or fourth week i would get some redbulls and get a move on LOL!!!
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